Operating System

  1. What is operating  system ? What are the services operating system provides?
  2. What do you mean by system call? Explain.
  3. What is Graphic uses interface ? Compare GUI and Command interpretor.
  4. Classify different types of system call.
  5. What is system program? Classify system program.
  6. Discuss briefly about layered approach of operating system structure
  7. What is module ? What is its advantage.
  8. Explain system Boot?
  9. What is a process? What are the different states of a process
  10. What is PCB?
  11. Define –a)scheduler. –b)scheduling queue. –c)short turn scheduler . –d)log turn sehedular.
  12. Explain the method of process creation with an example.
  13. What do you mean by process termination when does a process terminals?
  14. What is inter process communication? What basic reason behind communication between process?
  15. Discuss about FEFS cpu scheduling alogritham.
  16. Discuss method of cpu scheduling using Round Rebin logritham.
  17. Explain-a)Shortes job scheduling .-b)Priority scheduling.
  18. Advantage & disadvantage of these four type of algeritham.
  19. What is paginy and segmentation?
  20. What is file? What are its attributes ?
  21. What aew the operations associated with file?